Mbunya Francis Nkemnyi July 22, 2015 Comments
Revisiting World Environment Day… RCESD in Action
The 43rd edition of the World Environment day has come and gone, however, the fresh memories of this celebration still lingers on. On June 5th 2015, the Resource Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (RCESD) joint the Southwest Regional Delegation of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development and the entire population of Buea to celebrate the 43rd World Environment day.
This edition was celebrated under the theme “seven billions dreams, one planet, consume with care”. A week-long activities leading to the celebration of the day began on the 1st of June and included, radio talks and debates on environmental issues, tree planting activities, street clean up campaigns, educations sessions with schools and local communities.
In addition to the public events, RCESD also organized an in-house event that brought together students from environmental clubs from some colleges around Buea. These students learnt more about the environment through short lectures on key environment challenges, video watching and a quiz competition.
On the d-day, June 5, 2015, the entire population of Buea gathered at the Buea public ceremonial ground situated at Bongo Square to officiate the day. Activities that marked the official day included a speech from the United Nations Secretary General read by the Regional Delegate for Environment. The take home message from the speech called on every community to consume the scare environmental resources sustainably so the future generation can also part take in it.
In a speech, the Governor of the Southwest region, H.E Okalia Bilai called on the public to save the planet by planting trees in other to conserve the environment and to be environmental friendly by using only recyclable plastics bags, organic manure and to reduce litter and land-fill waste. Other activities included, drama, dances and quiz from environmental activists and environmental club members of some primary and secondary schools around the Buea region.