Mbunya Francis Nkemnyi December 12, 2021 Comments

CAPACITY BUILDING; The Way Forward For Youths

Capacity building is one of the main tools through which knowledge and skills are impacted to our generations. The potentials of capacity building cannot be over emphasize or undermine, this is the reason RCESD as an organisation is passionate about exploiting the potentials of capacity building in building and preparing our youths for a better tomorrow.

Staff of RCESD embarked on a course which has become a tradition for the organisation in which Fridays of every week is designated for capacity building. This is an in-house tradition aimed at empowering members of the organisation in its diversity.

On today’s course of action topics of interest included; Article Writing, where emphasis was placed on catchy topics to attract interest of the readers and staying within the scope of the topic. . Preceding article writing, another impactful lesson on grants writing and grant searching was done, here, our capacity was built  on the different types of grants ranging from International funding agencies, multilateral and bilateral agencies, voluntary donors, corporate donors, and crowd funding,

A topic on the hindrances of brainstorming and their solutions was also featured. Such hindrances ranges from; fear of judgment, unclear objectives and solutions such as sharing the bad ideas first and setting out the goals beforehand.

we ended the day with more emphasis on  ‘effective communication’’ which is a great tool towards achieving our goals.  Communication is used daily by all and is the only way we can express our opinions. To avoid conflict, we have to make proper use of communication techniques. To effectively communicate,  be concise, precise, direct and simple. Avoid ambiguous words.

Conclusively, Capacity building, the way forward is a powerful tool to be engaged by all and sundry in all dimension. It is the most impactful way in which knowledge and skills can be transferred from person(s) to another. Capacity building in RCESD cannot be over emphasized nor undermine. Its fruits are very much embraced by the members as it is self-empowering and prepares oneself to face the realities of life with confidence and boldness.

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